The Function of Image Processing in Explaining the Story of the Prophet Saleh (PBUH) and Educational Approaches of this Function in the Situational Context of the Qur’anic Verses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, ,faculty of literature and humanities faculty, University of Isfahan, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith group at Isfahan University


Thamud as a civilized nation with the ability to engineer natural resources, is aligned with today's advanced societies that are under the shadow of science, what is considerable to understand the diverse notes of this Qur’anic story. But there are some ambiguities in the details of the story, especially in the case of Saleh's (AS) she-camel, causing to disagreements between exegetes. Therefore, the study of the image as one of the branches of aesthetic science and because of the existence of the components of thought, language, emotion, truth, imagination, etc. is necessary for the development of semantics and explanation of the ambiguities of the text. On the other, recognizing the context of the situation, which includes the physical, social and mental context, directs the audience of the image to the speaker’s purpose. Recognizing the image components in the context of the Revelation age would pave the way for matching the images in order to educate peoples of different ages. In this article, it is aimed to answer the issue of the relationship between the visual components of the she-camel in the physical, social and mental context of Thamud, to explain the vagueness of the verses related to the she-camel and the nature of the educational approaches of this story in the situational context of the age of descent and other ages. In this research, it is also tried to explain the ambiguities by the combination of illustrative components in the synchronous situation of descent and different epochs. The socio-physical order of Thamud, which is the very cause of their arrogance as well, are shown through the image components. God, according to this feature, chose the emergence of a camel from the heart of the mountain for the completion of the proof, and the water division program for testing Thamud. Allah, by these verses, warns against the disbelief of Mecca in the synchronous texture of descent, and all the perpetrators in the diachronic context, that they are coming to a hard situation.


Main Subjects

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