Critical Analysis of the Exegetes’ Opinions on the Presentation (Taqdīm) and Delay (Ta’khīr) of the Verbal Similar (Mutashābuh) Verses (Case Study: The Verses of Al-Baqarah: 58 & Al-'A'rāf: 161)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Theology faculty، Bu ali sina university. Hamedan. Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Avicenna, Hamedan, Iran.


Mutashābuh (similar) or “verbal similar” refers to those Qur’anic verses and phrases which have been repeated more than once in the Qur’an, with change in whole or in part. The reason for the repetition of many of these verses and phrases is based on a change in their presentation (taqdīm) and delay (ta’khīr). An example here may be two verses of al-Baqarah: 58 and al-'A'rāf: 161, which the similarity between two verses occurs in the form of a presentation and a delay.
In spite of the efforts of the exegetes to justify the presentation and delay in these verses, their opinions are criticized, for the best idea here must pay attention to the context, the descent place of the verses, and the concept of the term “prostration” (sajdah) used in both verses. As a result, it is argued that the chapter al-Baqara, in contrast to the chapter al-'A'rāf which continuously blames and rebukes the rebels and arrogant people especially Children of Israel, is to mention the God’s blessings for them and the community of the Prophet, so that the presentation of prostration that is a kind of thanksgiving, as well as all other indications, are applied in this regard.


Main Subjects


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