Explanation of the System of Monotheistic Narrations of Ahlul Bayt (PBUTH)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies, Shahid Beheshti University


The teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (PBUTH) in the issue of Monotheism is a coherent collection with special features. In this system each component has a fixed relationship with each other. Features such as semantic harmony and non-conflict, unity of subject, similarity of the expressive structure, repetition of the same meaningful concepts, and conjoining the relevant topics, are as the pillars composing the system of Ahlul Bayt’s teachings in the context of Monotheism. In light of such a reflection on the composing elements of the system of Ahlul Bayt’s teachings in Monotheism as well as the network connection between proposed subjects, man will find a complete coherence and harmony between the components of the system of Ahlul Bayt’s teachings in Monotheism and understand a group of theological misconceptions. In addition, information of the existence of such a united system in the Ahlul Bayt’s abundant narratives and belief in their inter-network coherence is a considerable criterion for assessing different opinions in this regard.


Main Subjects

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