Position and Function of Hadith in the Commentary of Bayān al-Sa'ādah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Isfahan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Isfahan University


There are different approaches in Qur’anic interpretations about the level and the mechanism of utilization of Hadith. In mystic exegeses this issue seems more important from different aspects such as the amount of effect of the interpreter’s tendency in selecting and understanding the interpretative narratives. The position and function of hadith therefore may as a criterion assist to evaluate the validity of these books. Based on the descriptive-analytical method, the present paper has surveyed the position and function of hadith in the commentary of Bayān al-Sa'ādah, the first Shiite available complete mystical interpretation. The Author introduces hadith as an important source for learning tanzīl and ta’wīl of verses and their different aspects of meaning and example. He used more than 2200 hadiths in his work. Additionally, based on the abundance, the most importance usage of Hadith includes explanation of the concept, presentation of examples and confirmation of the interpreter's views.


Main Subjects

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