Review of Dr. Saha's doubts about the seven heavens in the Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 دانشجو

2 دانشیار پژوهشگاه علوم و فرهنگ اسلامی


The fight against the Holy Quran has been carried out in various ways since the beginning of the decline and is still ongoing. Recently, a book titled "The Qur'an's Review" was published by a person named Saha which, according to the opposition, is the most complete book on the critique of the Qur'an, in which the author's attempt is to prove the existence of weakness in the Qur'an. The author, in reference to the verses and narrations of the Qur'an and the Prophetic tradition, has criticized the verses of the seven heavens in the Qur'an, referring to Ptolemy's theory and ancient myths, a scientific mistake. The study intends to criticize and thoroughly examine the claim. The present study is carried out through a descriptive-analytical method with a critical orientation based on library resources and aims to defend the theory of revelation and the truth of all the data of the Quran, including its scientific data. The result of the study is that, first, the author relied on the weak narratives; secondly, the subject of the seven heavens was rooted in the revelation, and from there into the myths of other nations (and not vice versa), and also related to the Ptolemaic theory, which spoke of eight or nine Is not Third, there is not only no scientific reason to reject the theme of the seven heavens, but the existence of the sky in the atmosphere (the layers of the atmosphere) is one of the definite scientific findings.



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