An Analytic Examination of HADITHS of Time-based Interpretation of Quran from AHLOAL-BAYT

Document Type : Research Paper


1 quran and hadith, kashanu,kashan, Iran

2 Associate professor

3 Associate Professor of the University of kashan


Time-based Interpretation is one of controversial matters in Quranic sciences, and there are different opinions about it from Muslims and orientalists specially in recent century.
These opinions are different and opposed and some scientists denied Time-based Interpretation.
This article based on library resources and Text-based study in HADITHS of AHLOAL-BAYT, proves: interpretation of Quran is affected heavily from current sciences, doubts, groups and beliefs in interpreter’s time and this effect was proved, current and inveterate. Although some scientists due to the extremism in this type of interpretation have denied it, but several HADITHS of AHLOAL-BAYT in interpretive resources declare that they have intended to Time-based Interpretation in different juridical, theological, Quranic, moral, political and even literary matters. Through the analysis of HADITHS, we declare this interpretation is inveterate.
we provwd this kind of interpretation used from the first century and deflectiv belifs and religion even literature can effect on our interpretation


Main Subjects

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