G.H.A. Juynboll`s Point of view Concerning Dating of The Origin of Isnad: An Analytical-critical Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Iran/University of Qom/faculty of Theology&Islamic Studies/Department of Quran&Hadith

2 Department of Quran and Hadith/faculty of Theology/University of Qom/Iran


The issue of the origin of Hadith Isnad and its dating over past century has been an important topic among Muslim scholars and Western hadith scholars. In this regard, both categories are often based on citations of Muhammad ibn Sirin(110 AH.), in which the initiation of Isnad for the hadith was considered as a result of a riot, has given different dates. Hadith Scholars, considered the intrigue to be the murder of the third caliph in 35 AH., and the time when Isnad began to be used in the early part of the first century AH., but some Western scholars have cnsidered the origin of Isnad as related to the events of the early second century AH. In the meantime, G.H.A. Juynboll, a Hadith scholar from the Netherlands, considered the origin of the use of Isnad in the seventies since the first century, considering the rebellion of Abd-allah ibn Zubayr against the Umayyads during the years of 63-73 AH. as the first act known as Fitna. In this essay, through criticizing the views of Juynboll by reviewing traditions and authoritative reports in ancient hadith and historical sources, the rebellion of Ibn Zubayr against the Umayyads was considered as the first riot. In addition, it became clear that the purpose of Ibn Sirin from riot with the period of the al-Mukhtar Thaqafi`s (66-67 AH.) uprising was more consistent in Kufa; therefore, the historical and systematic origins of Isnad could be regarded as related to this period.


Main Subjects

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