The social semiotics of Moses' invitation based on the pattern of insecurity semiotic

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Imam sadegh university (a.s)

2 Assistant of Shahid Behshti university


The analysis of cultural elements through in-depth analysis of the semantic codes and social norms is a term pursued in the social semiotics approach. Symptom codes indicate the degree to which individuals adhere to particular classes of society, making individuals feel secure or insecure if they do not conform to societal norms, and in the event of insecurity, a variety of responses such as silence, hyperactivity, retaliation, and Confusion. This descriptive-analytic study examines the norms of that day while studying the norms of that day's society in response to the invitation of the Pharaoh and the Children of Israel against the invitation of the Divine Apostle, thereby implementing it in the sacred way. The findings indicate that in the sense of insecurity before any reaction, a situation called "sign pre-emptiness" can be assumed, secondly, the power levels were not constant at the time of Moses' invitation and with a significant change from pharaoh to Moses (as) is transferred. In this regard, Pharaoh's confrontation with the conflicting norms that Prophet Moses (pbuh) had promoted in his community of divine invitation appeared in the form of numerous retaliatory reactions. The Israelites also responded to the monotheistic invitation of Moses (as) to various forms of reaction such as silence and confusion, and few believed it.


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