Hadith of Throne: Recitation of Arikeh Hadith, as a Documentary of the Revelation of Sunnah

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in sciences of the holy Quran and Hadith، Mazandaran University


The Hadith of Arike is the most famous and prestigious reason for Revelation of the Prophet's Sunnah. In some narratives of this hadith, this phrase quoted: "I have been given book and its similar with it". Some scholars have cited this phrase of hadiths for the revelation of Prophet's Sunnah. In this essay, we are going to study the validity of the hadith of Arike as a documentary of the revelation Prophet's Sunnah, and does it imply revelation Prophet's Sunnah. In this research, it has been shown that Hadith Erika, with the phrase "I have been given book and its similar with it", despite the reputation it has found today, does not have more credit than a "gharib hadith". Also, phrase "I have been given book and its similar with it" is not based on the revelation of the Sunnah. The more likely it is that the meaning of the book's equivalent is the right to legislate the Prophet (PBUH) in a number of decrees and forbidding Muslims.


Main Subjects


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