Genesis and evolution of feeding the hungry in the Koranic verses

Document Type : Research Paper


Isfahan un


The Holy Qur'an has repeatedly mentioned feeding the hunger. Since these verses have been revealed in a historical context, chronologically studying of the decsent of the Koranic verses and cosidering the events and the audience of the Age of Descent proves that the Prophet has followed a rational plan to establish the institution of feeding the hunger. In the first stage, in Mecca, people were informed of their social responsibility to the deprived people; it was considered as an important charactristic of believers, so those who evaded responsibility, would be punished in the hell. In the second step, in chapters revealed still in Mecca, it is declared that there is a right for the needy in people's' property, and therefore the rich were warned about it. After the Prophet's (pbuh) immigration to Medina and after the formation of an Islamic government, taking care of the needy entered a new phase and became one of the Islamic instructions. Its resources are characterized by khums, zakat, charity, apostasy, pious swearing, and so on. It bcame a divine law. Studying this subject a using chronological methodin addition to clarifying the Prophet's approach to solve the problems of the society, shows that, on the contrary to the hypocrisy of some Orientalists, the holy Quran is not a collection of irrelevant verses.


Main Subjects


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