Analysis and Critique of the Influence of Theological ‎Bases on the Qur’an Interpretation ‎(Case Study: Sayed Murtaḍā’s Views on the Interpretation of the ‎First Verses of Surah al-‘Abas)‎

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of ‎Theology, University of Isfahan, Iran‎


There is a mutual connection between interpretation of the Holy Qur’an and theological beliefs: in one side, the latter is proved by the Qur’anic verses, and on the other, as ṣārifah indications, such beliefs lead to uncover some verses and pass from the true meanings to virtual meanings. Analyzing the scope of the influence of the bases of theology in interpretation reveals disadvantages. In his theological works, Sayed Murtaḍā (d. 436 AH) has explained some verses. Expressing the extent of the Prophet’s infallibility and answer to the questions, he interpreted the first verses of Surah al-‘Abas. He believed that since sulk is a despicable deed which is away of the infallibility of the prophets, the moody person in the first verses of the Surah al-‘Abas must be someone other than the Prophet (PBUH). He did not, of course, ascribe the punitive words in these verses to the Prophet (PBUH). Many Shiite commentators have followed Sayed’s view. Analysis and critique of Sayed’s words will reveal that there have been made some mistakes in adapting the theological beliefs to ‘Abas verses, including: disregard for the meaning and the form of “'Abas”, ignorance of the mazīdun fīh bāb (yazzakkā), ignorance of the indications in the verses, ignorance of the narrations reporting the cause of the descent, and mistake in the premises of the theological reasoning. These mistakes come from the dominance of theological bases on the rules and principles of the knowledge of interpretation. Focus on them paves the way for the preservation of the limits and rules of each area of interpretation and theology and reduces the possible mistakes of the theological interpretation of the Qur’anic verses.


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