The Role of “Repetition” in the Harmony of “Surah al-‎Hūd”, Regarding “Holliday and Hassan’s Pattern”‎

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Arabic language and literature Department, faculty literature History and foreign languages, alzahra university, Tehran, Iran.

2 Arabic language and literture department, Faculty of Humanities, Imam khomeini international university.


Holliday and Hassan (1976), two linguists of text filed, believed that the “Repetition” phenomenon, as a lexical factor, besides collocation and grammatical elements (reference, ellipsis, substitution, and conjunction) makes the text totally integrated. The existence of the same units and patterns in Surah al-Hūd is so evident that makes it necessary to investigate the role of repetition in its cohesion based on new patterns of text analysis, as well as to identify the degree of this proposition relation with key concepts of the Surah. To this goal, based on the descriptive-analytical method, the paper examined the data and used statistical tables in order to show that among the triple components of repetition (the same word, synonym and hyponymy), the same word has the most important role in the Surah cohesion. Secondly, it was also showed that the two independent semantic fields (disbelief and belief) of this Surah, which have different and opposite directions, organize a same axis, i.e. “Allah”. In other words, each of these two fields is a part of a wider whole, giving the reader a unified understanding of the total verses.


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