Study of common Rules of “Quran by Quran Interpretation” and “Semantic Field Theory” (Based on Allameh Tabatabai and Izutsu‘s methods)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Comparative Exegesis, Al-Mustafa International University, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Islamic Culture and Thought Research Center, Iran.

3 PhD in Exegesis and Quranic Sciences, Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute.


The study and discovery of meaning in the text is a common concern of “Quran by Quran Interpretation” and “Semantic Field Theory”. Both of them try to interpret the text from semantic relations between vocabularies used in it. The main idea of this paper is answering to these questions: what rules has been used by those methods for discovery of meanings in the text? Moreover, are there ways to interact between rules of them?
This research by analytical-descriptive method want to study and analysis common rules that they use for discovering the meaning, and then combine their efficient rules. Results show that important common rules of them are: Attention to issues of literature, Attention to context, ranking of words, To separate the meaning, Interpretation based on parallel-verses, and attention to semantic relations. However, attention and use of these rules has been differed by “Quran by Quran Interpretation” and “Semantic Field Theory”.


Main Subjects

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