Abraham discourse with opponents in the Qur'an Based on the classification of speech actions of Searle

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran



An important part of the dimensions of the mission of the prophets in responding to the opposite audience and trying to persuade and inform them in terms of behavioral and spoken behaviors in the Qur'an has been widely reflected. Prophet Ibrahim was one of the divine prophets who, in an argumentative manner, had a variety of spoken actions for spreading a monotheistic discourse that differed in terms of form and content from the existing religious discourse (worship of natural elements and idolatry) in Mesopotamia, Suitable for attracting an opposing audience. This article, by utilizing the categorization of Sural's speech acts (expressive, inclusive, emotional, commitment and declarative), is intended to characterize Abraham's speeches in dealing with dissent based on the exegesis of Quranic verses.

The findings of the research show that the spoken action of the statement intended to introduce and describe the monotheistic discourse with the purpose of its semantic propagation and fixation has been the highest and the most pronounced speech action of the least frequent. It seems that the most important factor influencing the frequency of speech-making expression is the overcoming and hegemonicization of the discourse of the multiplicity of gods in society, which Abraham tried to use with this appropriate context to highlight the discourse of monotheism and to marginalize the dominant discourse.



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