Validity Assessment of Narrative Attributions Authenticity in Misbah Al-Shari’ah: A Reflection on ‘Deceit and Forgery’ in it

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of the University of kashan

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences Allame Tabatabaei University

3 professor of Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences hn University of kashan

4 Associate professor of the University of Tarbiat Modarres


Misbāh al-Sharī'a wa Miftāhal-Haqīa was first introduced by Sayed Ibn Ṭāwūs in the 7th century (AH). The author and time of compiling have never been known; yet since all chapters of the book begin with the phrase “Al-Sadiq said”, it is considered as one of the works attributed to Imam Sadiq (AS). The validity of this attribution has always being challenged. In addition, various views have been proposed about the author of the book. Quantitative and qualitative content analysis on the book reveals that most of its content, i.e. hadiths or quotations from other fallible persons, do not find their own origins in other books and so Misbāh is the only source for quoting them. Moreover, many of such statements mentioned in Misbāh and other books are considered differently in attribution. Few studies have investigated why this has occurred. Therefore, the present study adopting a documentary method along with quantitative and qualitative content analysis, covering historical, interpretive, hadith-related, and mystical sources of both Shiite and Sunni, aims to prove this hypothesis that all the chapters of Misbāh al-Sharī'amay be written or transcribed by a Sufi who then added the phrase “Al-Sadiq said” to the beginning of all these narratives to attribute them to Imam Sadiq (AS): just as some texts that a similar event has occurred to such as Sulamī’s Haqā’iq al-Tafsīr’
Keywords: Misbāh al-Sharī'a, Sayed Ibn Ṭāwūs, Tadlīs and Tahrīf, Manuscript, Sufism.


Main Subjects

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