The semantics of the term "punishment and its qualities" in the Holy Qur'an based on the conjunction

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University

2 MSc of Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University


Among the most important ways concerned by semantic scholars today is recognizing the meaning of the words according to their syntagmatic relations, for the verbal examination of words in the context of verses may obtain the exact sense of words. The word “'Adhāb” (عذاب: torment/punishment) refers to a punishment that is the natural result of one’s deeds; But it doesn’t indicate to the severity of punishment; However, its relationship with descriptions such as: (الیم, شدید, مهین, نکر,) etc. expresses its state and intensity. The purpose of this research is to investigate the word 'Adhāb using descriptive-analytical method based on the syntagmatic relations. It will determine the effect of these attributes on the word and the boundaries of it with various attributes. It aims to answer the question: “are various torments like (الیم, شدید, مهین, نکر) etc. different from each other?” Examining this word along with such attributes shows that the Holy Qur'an uses various attributes to express the torment of people; for example, the painful (ألیم) torment indicates the pain that has reached its limit and mostly is related to the infidels. The severe (شدید) torment refers to a severe and firm torment, like an earthquake which is severe. The humiliating (مهین) torment is specific to the sin of mockery, and the nukur (نکر) torment is an unknown punishment. Amongst, (ألیم) is the most frequent description in the Holy Qur’an, mostly referred to as the attribute of the torment of the Hereafter. It indicates that this torment is more painful and the punishment of the disbelievers is permanent.


Main Subjects

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