Review and Critique of the Famous Theory of Speculation of the Appearance of the Qur’an

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Shiraz university


Notable statements of Muslim scholars indicate that, in their view, the implication of the appearance of the Qur’an for its content is mere speculation (ḍann). Some statements are absolute, but some are allocated to the issue of general and specific as well as the allocation of the Qur’an by a single account. There is no rational discussion of this famous discourse nor clear reason for it, but possible reasons could be deduced from scholars’ arguing. Such reasons, of course, do not seem plausible, as most of them are the result of neglecting the role and function of the word in dialogue and legitimacy. For what is to be expected from these two positions is merely the expression of an applicable meaning, not the serious. Undoubtedly the manifestation of the Qur’anic text, to such an extent, is useful. Other reasons are the confusing and criticized remarks attributed to the akhbārīs. Rather, there is evidence that the Qur’anic appearance has definite and scientific implications. Some instances, as the most evidences, are those verses which call people to challenge with the Qur’an, those which invite contemplation in the Qur’an, as well as the content of the thaqalayn hadith.


Main Subjects

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