Manifestations of Social Security in the Story of Prophet Moses (p.b.u.h) and Pharaoh in the Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Cultural Officer at Mashhad Cultural University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quran Science and Hadith, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University


Social security has been one of the basic needs of human societies for a long time, so that its establishment and consolidation provide the basis for the growth and material and spiritual excellence of individuals in society. It has also attracted the attention of all the divine prophets. The study of the story of Prophet Moses (AS), as one of the most frequent stories in the Qur’an, is of particular importance, for on one hand the Egyptian community and the People of Israel, who were under the oppressive rule of Pharaoh, had the least security and, on the other, Moses (AS) was sent to save them from Pharaoh. This study seeks to explain and analyze the most important results of Musa’s (AS) strategies in the realization of social security in three political, cultural and religious aspects. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the information used is library-based though examining the content of relevant verses. Findings show that Moses (AS) has used various methods and strategies in the above areas, which in many cases succeeded in establishing security in the target community, but despite tireless efforts and changing promotional methods, sometimes the favorite goal was not gaine.


Main Subjects

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