Investigating the Reasons behind the Unfaithfulness of Peoples in the View of the Holy Qur’an, Based on the "Thematic Content Analysis" Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran. (The Corresponding Author)

2 Associate Professor, University of Sciences and Teachings of the Holy Qur’an, Tehran Branch, Iran

3 MA of Quranic Interpretation, University of Sciences and Teachings of the Holy Qur’an, Iran


While mentioning the purpose of sending the messengers to aware the general public and inviting them to the religion, the Qurʼan has also spoken realistically about the possibilities, methods, and challenges of the invitation path. One of the most important challenges is the unfaithfulness. The Qurʼan speaks of people who have lacked the capability of faithfulness in a process. A systematic understanding of this process and discovering its factors will guide us to a new level of invitation to religion that relies on the pre-invitation stage.
The present study is conducted with thematic content analysis method and syntagmatic relations between words in a discourse analysis. Two words "لا یُؤْمِنُونَ" and "ما کانُوا لِیُؤْمِنُوا" are the pivot of the unfaithful verses. The findings of the study show that achieving a network of themes around a central concept requires a text-based approach with a holistic view to the Qur'an. The unfaithfulness in some humans has a significant relationship with the conceptual net of "denial", "seal of the heart," “loss,” “mala’,” “debauchery,” and “oppression”. The loser is a man who has become unfaithful. Loss has been cited in numerous verses of the Qur'an as an effect of some factors, among which the factor of "denial" plays a key role. Denial is a more serious stage of confrontation with religion that begins from the upper levels of society, specifically the "mala’ class", and gradually in a multi-step process reaches the middle and lower levels of society in order to oppose to the Prophets’ call.


While mentioning the purpose of sending the messengers to aware the general public and inviting them to the religion, the Holy Qurʼan has also spoken realistically about the possibilities, methods, and challenges of the invitation path. One of the most important challenges is the unfaithfulness. The Qurʼan speaks of people who have lacked the capability of faithfulness in a process. A systematic understanding of this process and discovering its factors will guide us to a new level of invitation to religion that relies on the pre-invitation stage.

The present study is conducted with thematic content analysis method and syntagmatic relations between words in a discourse analysis. Two words "لا یُؤْمِنُونَ" and "ما کانُوا لِیُؤْمِنُوا" are the pivot of the unfaithful verses. Accordingly, the semantic position of these two statements has been intercepted in several verses of the Qur'an. The findings of the study show that achieving a network of themes around a central concept requires a text-based approach with a holistic view to the Qur'an. The unfaithfulness in some humans has a significant relationship with the conceptual net of "denial", "seal of the heart," “loss,” “mala’,” “debauchery,” and “oppression”. The loser is a man who has become unfaithful. Loss has been cited in numerous verses of the Qur'an as an effect of some factors, among which the factor of "denial" plays a key role. Denial is a more serious stage of confrontation with religion that begins from the upper levels of society, specifically the "mala’ class", and gradually in a multi-step process reaches the middle and lower levels of society in order to oppose to the Prophets’ call.

Keywords: Discourse Dialogue, Faith, Loss, Denial, Seal of the Heart, The Qur’an, Thematic Content Analysis


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Qur’an.

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