A study of the effect of the principle of intrinsic human dignity on the interpretation of jihad verses with emphasis on the views of contemporary thinkers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Kashan

2 Professor of the Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Allamah Tabatabaei University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’anic and Hadith Sciences In Kashan University. Kashan. IRAN


Human Intrinsic dignity is one of the most important anthropological foundations that has formed the basis of many discussions of humanities in the current century. The present study, using a descriptive-analytical method, tries to examine the idea of the scholars of the current century regarding the intrinsic dignity of human beings as an anthropological basis and then analyze how the different ideas in this field effect on the interpretation of jihad verses. A review of the views of thinkers of the current century on intrinsic dignity and jihad suggests that they were influenced by their belief in the nature of human inherent dignity. Thus, the limited attitude towards the issue of intrinsic dignity has caused the owners of this idea to prescribe coercion on belief and deprivation of the right to life for non-believers. On the other hand, a broad view of intrinsic dignity has led the proponents of this idea of jihad to forbid the coercion of belief and killing of non-believers by jihad. However, the first thought faces fundamental disputes, and also in terms of method, this idea has a selective confrontation with the verses of jihad due to the emphasis on rules such as abrogating and ignoring the context and atmosphere of the revelation. In contrast, the second view is systematically confronted with the collection of verses of jihad and related verses, and in this regard, it uses different rational rules of interpretation.


Main Subjects


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