Examining the authenticity of the narrated narration from Imam Ali (AS) about the importance of recognizing the abrogated and obsolete Using document-text analysis method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Kosar University of Bojnourd, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, kosar university of Bojnourd, Iran


In the sources of Sunni hadith, there is a narration according to which Imam Ali (AS) said to a person who is a storyteller who did not have mastered the abrogated and obsolete knowledge: This narration has become one of the narrative foundations of those who believe in the occurrence of abrogation in the Qur'an to emphasize the importance and high position of this science in the field of Qur'anic sciences, to prove the widespread occurrence of abrogation in the Qur'an. The present study pursues the originality of this narrative in the first century AH as a goal. For this purpose, using the method of document-text analysis and identifying the common loop, key individuals have been identified and spread this narration in different hadith ecosystems and relying on Sunni hadith sources, the credibility of individuals and effective ways in transmitting it to the assessment plant. Laid out.The findings suggest that the narrative, which is likely to be considered the birthplace of Egyptian hadith, is, firstly, anxious about the content of the narration, and secondly, in terms of authenticity, the way in which the narration is narrated in the canvas. Expanded Iraq is not a credible way for Sunnis. Therefore, this narration cannot be considered as a solid basis for proving the vital importance of the abrogated and obsolete knowledge and its widespread occurrence in the Holy Quran.


Main Subjects


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