Indications to Find the Reference of the Pronoun in Kāfī’s Asnad

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’anic and Hadith Sciences, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.

2 PhD Candidate of Qur’anic and Hadith Sciences, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


The best book in the Shiite hadith is Al-Kafi's book, written by Kelly. There are various forms of hadith scripts. Like: Normal document. The most important and most numerous of these forms is the document of the pronoun,(1097) which is divided into two types of ordinary(360) and unusual pronouns(737). Due to the importance of accurately discovering the reference authority, this paper decided to search for evidence by analytical descriptive method and relying on library resources; with the help of Shellen, the reference to the pronouns of this type of document in the book would suffice to be properly identified.The result of this paper is the existence of eight symbols in the discovery of the reference of the pronoun, whose internal indications are: the conditional requirement, the series of similar documents, and the master and student who has hadith in at least 349 hadiths.And the external symbols are: the affirmation of the elders, the existence of the document in another book, the plurality of a narrator from another narrator, the narration of a person from a particular book, and the absence of reference to a particular narrator. Which prescribes the hadithologist at least in 222 documents, many of which are of the kind of abnormal pronouns addressed to them.To the address of this number of hadiths as an example, due to the shortness of this text, reference is made to these other indications in other pronouns.


Main Subjects

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