A new kook at the “Ummiyyat of The Nabii”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’anic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran, Iran

2 . MA of Qur’anic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran, Iran


After the pause period (fatra), the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was sent to an ignorant and depraved society due to ethnic and racial prejudices. An “Ummī” prophet who was both the seal of the prophets and the agent of ending ignorance and Ummīyat, with a miracle of the kind of book, expression and language. The prophecy of the Prophet and, consequently, his special and exclusive description of “Ummī,” have been discussed by a large number of scholars and have yielded various results. “Illiterate,” “non-Jewish” and attributed to “Umm al-Qurā” or “Umm” have been more dominant semantic aspects for the word “Ummī.” Looking at this concept, if the context of the verses of the Qur’an (as the source and reference of this interpretation), the “spirit of meaning” of the words and the “system of levels” in the words, as well as the role and influence of the “language of the Qur’an” are considered, a clearer picture will be obtained that upon which and due to the position of the Prophet’s finality, the ummīyyat of the Prophet is different and beyond the ummīyyat of other human beings and has a unifying  and all-encompassing concept, extending to the restoration of human innate principles.


Main Subjects

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