The Holy Qur’an’s thought Disentangling with Focus on the Word “Knowledge” at Textual Levels

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Theology - Quran and Hadith Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan)

2 Associate professor of Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith (Traditions), Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (Prophets Descendants) Studies, university of Isfahan, Isfahan. Iran.

3 professor of Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith (Traditions), Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (Prophets Descendants) Studies, university of Isfahan, Isfahan. Iran.


One of the most important missions of the Holy Scriptures is to disentangle and correct human thought. The Holy Qur’an, as the most comprehensive and complete revelatory text, criticizes many wrong human thoughts and illusions. These words, structures, and sentences, while diversifying, have a specific task to correct ideas. This article, using descriptive method, recognized the meaning of deciphering the verses containing the family of the word “Knowledge” in the textual levels, that the most important of which are: identifying three levels of disentangle word, structure and sentence, in which 45% of the verses contain the direct education and in 55%, indirect information. In 74% of this group of verses, the disentanglement is done through others and in the rest through the Prophet of Islam (PBUH). The type of tone of speech in 61% of cases is authoritative and intense and the rest with a frequency of 39% is authoritative and soft. In almost 50% of these verses they address Muslims and their main approach is educational disentanglement. Also in the other 50%, due to the stubbornness and insistence of the polytheists and infidels in their original ideas in order to make more influence and punishment, they often use a strong tone and expression accompanied by threats in order to break the incorrect ideas and correct them.


Main Subjects

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