The Aesthetics of the Supplication of “Jawshan Kabīr”

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Islamic Sciences Razavi university


What has been remained of Ahl al-Bayt (AS)’s hadiths, with their especial expression, is considered the most eloquent and beautiful word secondary after the holy Qur’an. Among them, supplications have a particular status in which the highest knowledge is embodied in the form of the most beautiful phrases with a well-groomed and stable order. The “Jawshan Kabīr” is a glorious example of religious literature. It teaches how to communicate with God and call Him. It depicts the height of religious knowledge on a peak of beauty. This article will answer the questions of “what is the literary and aesthetic level of the prayer of Jawshan Kabīr?” and “how is its authenticity?”. Based on a descriptive-analytical method, it studies the novel beauties in this supplication, in the axes of repetition, paronomasia, rhyme, and balance, observance of peer, contradiction and order. It is concluded that the prayer Jawshan Kabīr is beautiful in its literary form and firm in its literary concepts, that the divine attributes organized in it are phonetically and semantically completely integrated with each other. This sublime literature confirms the authenticity of this prayer and its issuance from the source of revelation and is closely related to the Qur’an.


Main Subjects

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