The Process of Transition from Idolatry to Monotheism in the Holy Qur’an

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, OF QOM

2 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Qom University

3 Assistant Professor Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences of Qom University


How the polytheists of the age of revelation changed profoundly from the polytheistic belief to the monotheism is a remarkable issue. The arrangement of the central verses about monotheism according to the order of their revelation leads to know the process of transformation of the belief in God and discover the special Qur’anic method for repairing and institutionalizing the monotheistic belief. Accordingly, extracting the central verses about monotheism and identifying the basic points of the course of monotheistic invitation, based on a descriptive-analytical method, this article examined the holy Qur’an’s process of making change in belief (in God). In conclusion, the Qur’anic process of transformation in the dimension of theism has been extracted in three main stages: in the first stage, the Holy Qur’an in the first Meccan surahs, with a brief introduction of God with some Divine features and the design of the main pillars of monotheism, motivated the community to accept the new monotheistic belief, leading to few new converts. In the second stage, after the formation of the faith community and the resistance of the polytheists against monotheism, the foundations of polytheism were destroyed and rather the foundations of monotheism were explained in terms of cognition with clear arguments. The third stage was establishing and deepening Monotheism in the community of the day, coincide with the establishment of Islamic State, through explaining true faith and levels of faith with a focus on vulnerable factors and the clarity of the precepts, which was done by issuing Ahkām (religious verdicts).


Main Subjects

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