The Presuppositions and Principles of Mahdavi Narrations in Muntakhab Al-‘Athar

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant professor of Islamic Theology Department at Quran and Hadith University.Iran

2 MA. of Islamic Theology Department at Quran and Hadith University. Iran


Understanding the logic governing the validation of a hadith depends on knowing the presuppositions and principles of each approach. The selection of Mahdavi narrations in the book of Muntakhab al-‘Athar fī Imam Al-Thānī ‘Ashar by Grand Ayatollah Sāfī, which is based on a holistic reading, involves not only Shiite but also Sunni narrations in the process of finding evidence and selecting the appropriate narrations. Since a correct understanding of the hadith thought system of the book allows for further evaluations, this study, concerning the lack of a design of the structure and network governing the selection of narrations in the book, tried through a thematic analysis to identify its presuppositions and theological foundations. Findings show that meta transmissonal validation of Mahdavi narrations in the book has important presuppositions such as the first principle of the invalidity of wāhid hadith (hadith with a single transmitter) in the theological doctrines, as well as the attention to the methodology of the early hadith scholars in the acquisition of hadiths (tahammul). Also, it relies on principles such as the Possibility Rule (Qā’ida Imkān). Accurate rereading and understanding of the criteria used by early scholars for jarh wa ta'dīl (endorsing or discarding transmitters), as well as paying attention to the book-oriented basis of the early Shiite scholars in evaluating hadith, lead to applying the innocence principle for the unknown narrators of early hadith sources. The frameworks and intellectual context of the hadith evidentialist approach of Muntakhab al-‘Athar have made the arrangement and validation of Mahdavi narrations to benefit from a systematic logic that, despite some considerations, has nothing to do with the hadith literalism, for it follows the defined standards.


Main Subjects


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