study the role of taqiya on the monopoly of some narrations of the Imams (AS) in Sunni sources Case study of Sufyan al-Thawri

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Some hadiths attributed to Imams (AS) are only found in Sunni sources, on the use of which doubts cast, including their distinguishing by Shiite narrators or the lack of trust in them. If the reasons of not narrating such hadiths in Shiite sources, which is sometimes due to Taqīyya, are stated, doubts will be resolved and such hadiths can be regarded as part of the Shiite heritage. In addition to influencing the content of some hadiths, Taqīyyah has also resulted in the anonymity of some Shiite narrators and non-reference to them by Shiite narrators. This can be seen in the hadiths narrated by Sufyān al-Thūrī as one of the most important Sunni narrators. Thus, Taqīyyah can be considered one of the most prominent historical aspects affecting some hadiths only found in Sunni sources. Adopting an analytical approach to the sanads and texts of the hadiths narrated by Sufyān, which are found in Shiite sources as well as the Rijālī descriptions and the historical reports of the two sects (i.e., Sunnis and Shiites), the present study regards Sufyān as an Imamī narrator, who was unknown through Taqīyya. It seems that the hadiths criticizing Sufyān found in Shiite sources aim to protect him, which is confirmed by what has been said about his book “Jāmi'” and its narrators. It is worth noting that Sufyān is not considered a member of the group known as the “People of Hadith,” for his political stance on the “Qiyām bi Saif” did not correspond to that of the latter.


Main Subjects

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