A Critical Analysis of Interpretive Approaches Towards “Ashiddā’ ‘Ala Al-Kuffār”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Center for Islamic Studies and Humanities at Sharif University of Technology;

2 AlZahra University; Senior researcher at Pooyafekr research group


Among the common interpretations of the Qur’anic phrase “Ashiddā’ ‘ala al-Kuffār”, which relies on the views of some commentators, is “to use violence, atrocity, cruelty, etc. against the infidels”. This perception can lead to prescribing violent behaviors documented by the Qur’an, while accepting prescribing violence to non-believers is not easy and needs serious consideration. This article, by studying the interpretations in different centuries, critically analyzes such reading and finally, by relying on lexical analysis and other Qur’anic and rational implications, seeks to provide an accurate interpretation for the verse. Analyzing the word “shidda” and similar words indicates that it shares no common meaning with the words that bear violence-related concepts. In addition, Qur’anic and theological evidence may be used to criticize the views of the commentators, including the descriptions of the Prophet in the Qur’an and his pacifism, the universality of Islam, and the necessity of interacting with infidels for the purpose of guidance. The result of reviewing such matters will lead to a more correct interpretation. Consequently, the word “Ashiddā’” is defined as “stability” and beyond; Believers are steadfast, strong and impermeable against disbelievers, meaning that they are resistant, not aggressive. This interpretation is also consistent with the content of the rest of the verse, which is a parable mentioned in the Bible: a seed that sprouts and its strength, exuberance, and growth amazes the farmer. If this meaning is conjoined to the concept of “Ashiddā’ ‘ala al-Kuffār”, it can explain better the stability, resistance and impermeability of the believers.


Main Subjects

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