The example of the owner of evidence and witness in verse 17 of Surah Hood with emphasis on the narrations of the two parties

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic Interpretation and Sciences, Al-Mustafa International Society, Qom, Iran

2 Trend of Comparative Interpretation, Alzahra Society, Qom, Iran


In the 17th verse of Surah Hood, the Shiite and Sunni commentators have expressed different views regarding the example of "Sāhib Bayyina" and "Shāhid". The main reason for this difference is their different approach to exegetical traditions of Ahl al-Bayt (AS), Companions, and Followers; Shi'as accept only words of the Infallibles (AS), and due to the lack of innocence in Companions and Followers, they do not rely on their words. in contrast, Sunnis consider the words of the Companions to be authoritative and effective. Since this difference has a significant effect on the correct understanding of a verse, this research aims to achieve the correct interpretation of these examples, based on a descriptive-analytical method. Accordingly, after mentioning the commentators’ point of view on the examples of "Sāhib Bayyina” and "Shāhid”, both the Shiite and Sunni exegetical narratives are mentioned and examined to reach the best opinion. Findings show that the exclusive example of "Sāhib Bayyina” is the great Prophet (PBUH); the narrations introducing the example of Sāhib Bayyina as the Prophet, are reported from the Infallibles (AS), in addition to their fame and abundance. But traditions introducing the example of Sāhib Bayyina as a believer, are attributed to a Follower exegete, which cannot be the same as an Infallible interpretation. Also, regarding the example of “Shāhid,” examples such as the Qur’an, the Messenger of God, the tongue of the Messenger of God, Gabriel, or Malek confirming the Prophet, are not accepted, because of their weak sanads, a contradiction to the appearance and context of the verse, and incompatibility with the meaning of the verse. Rather, according to authentic narrations, the correct example of the “Shāhid” is the divine hujja. This verse expresses the infallibility, successorship, and imamate of the Imams.


Main Subjects

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