"Ahmad bin Mohammed bin Siddiq Al-Ghomari" and his methods in discovering and correcting the causes of narrators’ chain of the prophetic narrations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Arak University, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Arak University, Iran


“Sheikh Ahmad bin Mohammed bin Siddīq Al-Ghomārī,” a Sunni jurist and hadith scholar who believed in purifying hadith and then entered the issue of ilal al-hadith (problems of hadith) to defend the Prophetic Sunnah. Accordingly, he wrote the book Al-Madāwī li ‘Ilal al-Hadith. He based his study on the “unruly rejection of narrations.” Knowing sources of hadith sciences, he discovered the problems and corrected them. Some of his theories such as “rejecting the justice of all Companions,” “non-interference of religion in defecting narrators,” “criticism of the theories of the great early hadith scholars,” “tendency to Sufism,” “anti-Nasibbism spirit,” and “the superiority of Ali (AS) over the Caliphs,” make him distinguished from other contemporary Sunni hadith scholars. These theories also have affected his hadith ideas. Therefore, it seems necessary to formulate his theories and study his works in Shiite scientific communities. The study of the authors of this article shows that he methodically dealt with the problems of hadith. Accurately distorting the narrations, criticizing the opinions of the narrators, and resorting to ijtihad and arguing, he discovered many sanad problems of the Prophetic hadiths and corrected them to eliminate them from weakness. Based on the descriptive-analytical method, this article aims to examine his views on sanad problems and correcting them according to the book Al-Madāwī.


Main Subjects

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