Comparison and document research of Shiite and Sunni prophetic hadiths with the focus on the identification of "Nafs zakiyah"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Qom Islamic Azad University, Iran.

2 Associate professor, Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Qom Islamic Azad University, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Qom Islamic Azad University, Iran.


In some future (malāhim) and events (fitan) reports of Shiite and Sunni hadith sources, a “human sign” is mentioned that shortly after his death, the “global uprising” of Imam Mahdi (AS) will begin by Ka'ba. This character is known as “Nafs-e Zakīyah” in Shiite and Sunni hadith texts. In the present study, the identification of “Nafs-e Zakīyah” and the issue of his “murder” in the position of “a sign” coinciding with the uprising of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the “twelve sections” among the news of malāhim and fitan of “Shiite and Sunni” are “compared” and “assessed” accurately. It is concluded that the extent of “adaptation” as well as the “number” of these reports are in special attention of both Shiite and Sunni hadith scholars who recorded them in their early sources. Analyzing sanads of news and the chain of narrators concluded in detecting the “weak,” “fabricator,” “unknown” or “strange” narrators. It then concluded to rejecting the sanads in terms of their validity and authority in many related propositions. On the other, some reports were quoted as “mawqūf,” “mursal,” or “bilā isnād”, which adds to the realization of this “lack of authority and evidence.” In the meantime, a number of narrations in the form of “singles” (wāhid) and some others in the form of “oppositions” (mu'ārid), have caused more “complexity” in the accurate understanding and “certainty” of this “Mahdavi sign.” Finally, and as a result of the research, it was generally stated that in addition to the weaknesses of sanads, the “indication” of the various news dimensions of this “sign” in each section, has fundamental shortcomings in terms of issuance, and its most news statements did not seem convincing and definitive.


Main Subjects

  1.  The Holy Qur’an.

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