A Comparative Study of the Cultural Model of Laughing and Making Laugh in the Qur’an and Hadith

Document Type : Research Paper


Iran medical sciences university


Objectification of religious lifestyle in accordance with Islamic culture is based on accurate understanding of the teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith. The issue of the present study is how to draw the cultural pattern of laughing and making laugh based on these teachings? According to the comparative findings of the research, these two sources have provided a model based on spirituality, rationality and socialization, whose attitudinal requirements are belief in divine action in human laughing, and belief in the necessity of human action compatible with religious culture. The tendency of this issue is to value laughing and making laugh in line with religious culture and vice versa. In addition, its active requirements are prohibition of laughing at sacred things, recognizing one’s social status, audience knowledge, avoiding the abundance and habit of joking, action in public, not using ugly and false words, minimal action of laughter with spiritual attachment, and laughing through solving problems. As a result, it is proved that 1) the approach of the Qur’an and Hadith to laughing and making laugh is not one-dimensional, i.e. they do not value it separately from other parts of the lifestyle; Rather, just like crying, they consider it desirable, valuable, and purposeful, 2) the realism and possible consequences of laughing in the model received from this culture should be considered, and 3) this culture offers practical norms that can be implemented in private and public space.


Main Subjects

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