Inquiry of Ambiguities Regarding the Attribution of Kāmil al-Zīyārāt to Ibn Qūliwayh

Document Type : Research Paper


Lecturer and researcher - Qom seminary


In order to use religious sources, their validation is necessary, which must be achieved through authentic ways. One of the effective components in the validity of a scientific work is the personality and authenticity of its author. The book of Kāmil al-Zīyārāt has been attributed to Ja'far bin Qūliwayh Qumī (d. 368 AH). The attribution of this work to him has been recently questioned by one of the contemporary scholars, that this doubt is due to the existing ambiguities in this field. The present article examines the ambiguities on the attribution of the complete book of Kāmil al-Zīyārāt to its famous author Ja'far bin Qūliwayh Qumī. Thus, using various evidences through the analytical-library method, the problems and ambiguities are criticized to pave the way for readers to have a fair judgment. The result of reviewing written and complete manuscripts of the book is as follows: 1. It is the work of Ja'far bin Qūliwayh Qumī and its narrator is Hussein bin Ahmad bin Mughairah Būshnajī. 2. The narrator had a few additions - with appropriate markings - to the book. 3. The correct and complete name of the book is Kāmil al-Zīyārāt. 4. The quotation of unknown people in this work and other early hadith works is because of their principles for accepting hadiths. So it cannot be recognized as the weakness of the Shiite narrative heritage, nor a sign that these books were written by unreliable and unknown people.
Keywords: Kamil al-Ziyarat؛ Validation؛ Ibn Qalwiya؛ boshnji


Main Subjects

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