The concept of "Doubt" and the strategy of the two sects in resolving the conflict of the news of "The believer's hatred or interest in death"

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Hadith Department, Faculty of Hadith Sciences and Education, University of Quran and Hadith, Tehran. Iran


"Traddod Traditions", which is one of the famous narrations and perhaps a succession of the two sects, is considered as a problematic narration that the multiplicity of narrations, the validity of sources and the presentation of the hadith in order to better understand the meaning, show its importance. The problem with this group of narrations is that they attribute doubts to God Almighty, which is not permissible according to the Shiite belief and rational analysis, as well as the major beliefs of Sunni thinkers. Hence, it needs to be explained how "traffic", which is one of the attributes of creatures can be attributed to God Almighty? The conflict between this group of narrations and other narrative texts that refer to the "believer's interest in death" is another challenge that this narrative content faces. The present study has dealt with the semantics of these narrations in a inferential-analytical manner as well as document analysis and discovery of sputum and correction, paying attention to the origin of the issue, analyzing and selecting the approaches of the thinkers of the two sects and presenting solutions to resolve the news conflict. It seems that paying attention to the semantic connection of these narrations with the issue of longevity is a turning point in discovering the exact meaning of these narrations and makes the meaning of Tani and Tarakhi stronger in the soul of the believer, among other aspects of meanings.


Main Subjects

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