Analysis of Text-Based and Cohesive Approaches of Tunisian ibn Āshūr in His Exegesis al-Tahrīr wa al-Tanwīr

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University

2 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University


Text Linguistics as a new branch of linguistics was taken into consideration to focus on the unit ‎development of the language study from sentence to text level. Along with Coherence, Cohesion ‎is one of the features of texture that belongs to the text itself. In traditional criticism, cohesion ‎was usually exquisite and did not follow a specific framework. Nowadays, due to the importance ‎of textual approaches, several theories have been proposed to examine the cohesion of literary ‎and non-literary works. The cohesion approach in its primary form at three grammatical, lexical, ‎and junction cohesive levels, explains the cohesive components of the text and the quality of the ‎relationship between the text components at the semantic level and consequently at the ‎superficial level. The issue is that by exploring the critical heritage of Arabic literature, one can ‎find traces of such approaches in some works, including Ibn Āshūr’s Tafsīr of al-Tahrīr wa al-‎Tanwīr. In his commentary, Ibn Āshūr, not accidentally but consciously, has referred to the ‎textual cohesive tools and has considered a level beyond the sentence. Using a descriptive-‎analytical method, this study tries to analyze his approach in the interpretation, based on a text-‎based perspective and alludes to the role of cohesive elements, which is closely related to the ‎activities of text linguists. The results show that he was aware of the importance of cohesion and ‎its application in his interpretation, and prior to western theorists, he consciously addressed the ‎importance of cohesion and its various mechanisms in verse analysis and was able to make ‎scientific and textual references to the function and importance of some linguistic elements‎ ‎‎.
Keywords: Text linguistics, Cohesion, Text interpretation, Al-Tahrīr wa al-Tanwīr, Ibn Āshūr.


Main Subjects

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