Typology of Using Independent Reason in Criticism of Narrations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Secretary and member of the Scientific Council of Razavi University Suspicion Research Center, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.


Suspicious narrative reports are refined if they benefit from the authenticity of the informant ‎with specific criteria such as the Qur’an, Sunnah, history, science, sense, experience, consensus ‎and definite reason. Among these criteria, the function of intellect in two spheres of instrumental ‎role-playing and independent role is very colorful. The confusion between these two areas has ‎caused the researchers of the theoretical sciences of hadith to consider the instrumental ‎applications of reason in criteria such as submission to the Qur’an, science and even literary ‎sciences as components of the reason-oriented criticism of hadith, and as a result, to explain the ‎types of measures of independent reason in the criticism of hadith. On the other hand, the ‎similarity of concepts such as science, sense and experience, customs, the construction of ‎intellectuals, the way of the wise and the way of Muslims, has caused these concepts to be ‎equated. One of the achievements of this article in a descriptive-analytical method is redefining ‎the concept of the standard of reason for criticizing hadith and explaining the difference between ‎the function of reason in the aforementioned two spheres. In the next step, different types of the ‎measure of reason in the criticism of hadiths are distinguished from each other with logical ‎definitions and appropriate hadith examples are provided in each article. These types are: the way ‎of the wise, the construction of the wise, the judgment of the independent reason, custom and ‎logic. At the end, with the practical approach of the theoretical discussions, the necessity of solid ‎interpretation of the hadith, before the final judgment about its validity, along with some hasty ‎criticism of the hadith with the measure of reason is exemplified‎‎.
Keywords: Hadith؛ content critique؛ independent intellect؛ instrumental intellect؛ interpretation


Main Subjects

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