Layered Stylistics of Jihad Verses Based on Phono-Semantic Analysis (A Case Study of the Word of Jahd and Its Derivatives)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate of level four (doctorate) of Khorasan seminary and member of the scientific group of Arabic language and literature of Al-Mustafa International Society of Mash'had.

2 Assistant Professor of Shahid Mahallati Higher Education Complex, Qom, Iran

3 Associate Professor Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.


Layered stylistic is one of the structural and cognitive linguistic approaches that studies the ‎various phonetic, lexical, syntactic, rhythmic and ideological layers to explain the hidden layers. ‎The Holy Qur’an, as the only miracle text, has placed the phonetic layer and the letters’ tune in ‎its verses wondrously, which leads to create beautiful and melodious verses for its audience. This ‎delightful musical elegance has been revealed with a special luster in Jihad verses. In these verses, ‎the arrangement and composition of the words which have rooted from Jihad along with the ‎musical characteristics of the whisper and apparent letters have created special and fascinating ‎phonetic effects in verses. The frequency of the phonemes used in these verses with the character ‎of Jahr and Hams shows how the Holy Qur’an in a peaceful sphere with fluent melodies invites ‎Muslims to this (Jihad) divine duty. The present study by an analytical-descriptive method, based ‎on the layered stylistics, studies the phono-semantic aspect of Jihad verses. The most important ‎results show that phonetic and semantic congruence of letters and conceptual coordination of ‎selected words have created beautiful images alongside hopeful tune, which remind the results of ‎Jihad for the sake of God for any Muslim‎‎‎.
Keywords: Stylistics, Jihad Verses, Phonetic Layer, Semantic Congruence‎.


Main Subjects

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