How Sheikh Sadūq was influenced by hadith sheikhs And its effects on the transmission of transmitted hadiths

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Department of Quran and Hadith Studies, University of Mazandaran


Sheikh Sadūq is accused of his in-disciplined influence from Shiite masters, so that some mention his use of Sunni masters as the reason for entering incorrect narrations into Shiite hadith sources. Based on a descriptive-analytical method, this research intends to show how Sheikh Sadūq uses his masters’ views, explaining his criterion in the extent and areas of influencing from his masters. Finding show that Sheikh Sadūq was influenced by Shiite masters in rijāl, belief, interpretation, lexicography, comprehending hadith, hadith criticism, and history. However, he used to be disciplined in his influence and was critical to their views. He also refrained of accepting any narration from Sunni masters, quoting them in order to prove the legitimacy of Shiite thought, the confession of the virtues of Ahl al-Bayt (AS), and the unity between Shi'as and Sunnis, while reflecting his critical views. Sadūq’s enough knowledge of Sunni jurisprudence caused him not to issue fatwas affected by Sunni masters. In non-jurisprudential issues, his reference to Sunni narrations was either in confirmation of Shiite narrations and beliefs or only in less important issues. Moreover, his Sunni masters did not play a role in transmitting narrations such as Sahw al-Nabī (prophet’s errors), distorting the Qur’an, and the seven letters.


Main Subjects


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