Validation of Abolfazl Borghei's view on the multiplicity of narrations contrary to the Qur'an in al_ Kafi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 professor in Quran and Hadith at Tarbiyat Modarres University.Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


The criterion for presenting hadiths on the Qur'an is the first and most important basis in criticizing the text of the hadith. The originality of this method is rooted in the narrations of the infallibles. Shiite and Sunni hadith scholars and scholars have paid attention to this basis and have evaluated the text of the hadith by using this method. Abolfazl Borghei, a contemporary Shiite cleric and writer, has violated the basic principles of Shiism in his works and denied their authenticity. In the book "Width of the Principles on the Qur'an and the Intellectuals", he has considered most of the narrations of the sufficient book as contrary to the Qur'an, and on this basis he has tried to discredit the sufficiently valuable book. This article uses a descriptive-analytical method to measure the accuracy of his claim and to provide statistics by proving that the hadiths that seem to contradict the Qur'an are only 6% of the total number of narrations that he has studied and evaluated. In addition, the number of hadiths that acknowledge the authenticity of the text and their agreement with the Qur'an is more than the number of opposing narrations. In the next step, by explaining the criterion of presentation on the Qur'an and clarifying the correct method of its use, his performance in using this basis is criticized and it turns out that he has used this criterion in an unscientific way.

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Main Subjects

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