The Holy Qur’an and The Origin of Faith

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology, Tehran University


Faith is the basis of religiosity and it has been the subject of discussion in many scientific and ‎political controversies throughout the history. The origin of the tendency to faith is one of the ‎fundamental questions in religious studies and it connects directly to the perspective on the ‎nature of faith. In general, the interpretations that has been raised about faith can be divided into ‎two main groups: 1. Sometimes faith means a kind of cognition and the way to achieve it, by ‎which man is guided to the recognition of the principles of religion. 2. Sometimes faith and ‎science are separated; therefore, to achieve faith man must meditate and control himself. Based ‎on evidence and studies, the present research finds that the second theory distinguishing faith ‎from epistemological science better captures the reality of faith. Faith is a voluntary act that ‎might crystallize without knowledge. The most important duty of man in the guidance process is ‎accepting and practically adhering to the truth. Thus, the most significant origin of faith is a force ‎facilitating this acceptance, causing man to resist the allure of infidelity, namely the force of ‎piety. Therefore, lack of piety leaves man vulnerable against the obstacles to acquiring faith, ‎making accepting truth more challenging‎.
Keywords: Faith, Infidelity, Piety, The Holy Qur’an


Main Subjects

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