Interdisciplinary comparative study (interparadigmatic interpretation) of the Qur'an and the Testaments; Concepts, types and examples

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Research School of Interdisciplinary Quran Studies, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Interdisciplinary comparative study or interdisciplinary interpretation of the Qur'an seeks to approach the Qur'an from the perspective of two distinct disciplines / paradigms, here the paradigms of Christianity and Islam. Such a study has two basic types: methodological interdisciplinary and theoretical interdisciplinary. In the first type, there is a one-way relationship in the comparative study and only one of the parties benefits from the outcome of this study. But in the second type, a two-way relationship is established between the Qur'an and the Testaments, and this comparative study will have an explanatory or problem-solving role on both sides. This species is considered as one of the most complete species in comparative studies. Addressing concepts such as "I am after" and "Jesus" in the Qur'an can illustrate the process and mechanism of such comparative studies. Related to the "Jesus in the Qur'an" approach, one can well see the conflicts between the two paradigms and the quality of the different interpretations of the parties to overcome these challenges. The most important of these challenges are: "The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus", "The Divinity of Jesus", "Distortion of the Covenants", "The Controversy of the Qur'an with Christianity". In order to create a common dialogue and language, it was necessary for the parties to abandon the common views and popular interpretations and take a stylized approach. This form of interpretation represents a universal interpretation of religions.


Main Subjects

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