Comparative Evaluation of Opinions of Allamah Tabᾱtabᾱ'ῑ and Allamah Fadlullah in Explaining the Nature of Ornamentor in the verse Ᾱl-e 'Imrᾱn: 14

Document Type : Promotional


1 Faculty of the University of Holy Quran Sciences and Education

2 PhD student in the field of comparative exegesis of the Holy Quran University of Sciences and Education, Qom, Iran.

3 A graduate of the fourth level of Qom Seminary, Qom, Iran.


Among the titles that have long been drawn into the debates of different commentators of the Holy Qur'an is the explanation of the identity of the subject of adornment in the verse Ᾱl-e 'Imrᾱn: 14 in which adorning people's lusts and love towards women, children, property, horses, cattle, and agriculture is mentioned. To clarify the ornamentor in this verse, researchers put two possible views forward: God and Satan (or carnal soul). Following the verse, Allamah Tabᾱtabᾱ'ῑ, due to similar verses and the opinions of previous commentators, believed that the ornamentor is Satan, while Allamahh Fadlullah criticized him and believed that God would be the subject of ornamentation. Despite conducting research on the issue of comparing the opinions of these commentators, nothing has been done regarding the above-mentioned dispute until now. Therefore, this article, using the descriptive-analytical method, first explains the opinion of Allamah Tabᾱtabᾱ'ῑ on the verse, and then compares his interpretative opinion with Allamah Fadlullah's. Accordingly, through criticizing and examining the arguments of the two sides, it is concluded that Allamah Fadlullah's criticism of Allamah Tabᾱtabᾱ'ῑ's is not accepted, but the latter's view is closer to soundness compared to the formers.


Main Subjects

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