Sheikh Saduq's action on single obligatory jurisprudential hadiths of Sahl Ibn Ziad and how to analyze it

Document Type : Research Paper


Higher level professor of Qom Seminary Center for Hadith Sciences


The significant presence of weakened narrators everywhere in Shia hadith sources, including jurisprudential hadiths, has made it difficult to deal with these hadiths. When going through the data obtained in the hadith sources and validation of the predecessors, we come across two phenomena; The practical behavior of companions with weak narrators in the field of hadith and other writings, a descriptive look at narrators in validation sources.

Seeing these two phenomena separately and not paying attention to the fundamental relationship between them can lead to going astray in hadith studies. The present article examines the behavior of Shaykh Sadouq in the implementation of some obligatory jurisprudential hadiths that Sahl bin Ziyad found in its chain of transmission. The purpose of this article is to discover the scientific logic that governs the practice of such hadiths.

This research shows that relying on hadith sources - especially the Book of Al-Nawader - by Sheikh Sadouq is one of the factors of obtaining hadiths issued by the innocents, peace be upon them, which overshadowed the narrator's weakness and acted on the traditions of the weak narrator.

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Main Subjects

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