Aesthetic explanation of Shakleh verse in Mulla Sadra's interpretive works

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Quranic and Hadith Sciences. Faculty of Theology and Ahl al-Bayt Studies, University of Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Ahl al-Bayt Studies, University of Isfahan, Iran.

3 Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology. Faculty of Theology and Ahl al-Bayt Studies, University of Isfahan, Iran.


In the present study, with a review of Mulla Sadra's ontological foundations in a descriptive-analytical method, in addition to examining the effect of each of the foundations of transcendent wisdom on the interpretive interpretations of Shakeleh (form) verse, it is aimed to see how could they have been used in Sadra's aesthetic discussions. According to Mulla Sadra, the image of God is beautiful names and attributes, existing in the essence of his existence. The form of creation is the full manifestation of all the names of the divine goodness, which has an eternal origin, and in every moment, a dignity of things and the womb of the original belly of the best of creators appear in the good system. The primary form of man is the God-given nature that man, with the power of intellect and free will and by repeating attributes and habits, forms the secondary form of his existence in the shape of Crimean or ugly attributes, bringing Paradise or Hell for every man according to his worldly and otherworldly situation, and then creates and leads him to the highest or the lowest level. The purpose is to show a part of Sadra's aesthetic interpretation so that the research results can be used in educating the individual and social structure of educators. One of the many uses of research is to explain the issue of criminal justice; In other words, the beautiful form of purgatory and the hereafter is the result of orderly causal actions and good morals in the penetration of worldly forms.


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Qur’an.

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