An approach to the pathology of understanding hadith; Case study: "Sufficiency text": Backgrounds and consequence

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Theology, Arak University, Arak, Iran


"Methodological understanding of hadith" is one of the concerns of hadith commentators and researchers. The process of understanding the hadith, which starts from the stage of understanding the meaning of the text and ends with the stage of understanding the main purpose of the speaker, is faced with harms, and therefore identifying the harms of understanding the hadith helps to apply the rules of understanding correctly. One of the harms of understanding the hadith is "the text of sufficiency" or being content with the text and ignoring the tradition of the infallible (AS). This article seeks to examine the contexts and implications of the "sufficiency text". This writing has come to the conclusion by descriptive-analytical method that "the contexts of the text of sufficiency" and disregard for the tradition and tradition are: delay in compiling the prophetic tradition, the phenomenon of imitation, considering some teachings in conflict with the tradition and tradition, weakness The place of history and disregard for the Sira, the Shiite perception of the lack of need for an innocent social Sira, the inefficiency of the Sira and the tradition, and the prevalence of the Sikh and the Sikh tradition. Also "Consequences of the text of sufficiency"

These are: the non-criterion of the Sira and Sunnah in the validity of the hadith, the justification, the opposition of the ruling and the Sira, and the disregard for the Sira and the infallible tradition and its forgetfulness and change in it


Main Subjects

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