Approach to attribution TUHAF AL-UQOUL's book and its author

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan / Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan, Iran.


The TUHAF AL-UQOUL by Hassan Ibn Shuba Harani is one of the sources of Shiite moral narration that there are different sayings about the author and the time of its writing and origin. The narrations of some scholars and scholars consider the author to be one of the praiseworthy Shiite scholars of Aleppo in the fourth century. Some consider him to have the truth of Israr al-Din. Some have described him as an unknown and religious figure from the sixth century. However, the identity of the author is in question. The findings of this study show that he is a Shiite and a native of Aleppo who lived at least in the eighth century. The jurisprudential and theological principles of the author deny that he is a Nasserite and confirm that he is a Shiite. Also, the study of the historical course of Aleppo and its adaptation to the statements of the book is one of the reasons that confirms the author's attribution to Aleppo. The author of the pious Imam is the line of hadith, ascetic and worldly. He considers the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) as the caliph of God and infallible and believes in the resurrection and the Shiite belief in predestination. It should be noted that it is not possible to identify the author of the gift of minds in history.


Main Subjects

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