Evaluating the theories of abhorrence and takfir by measuring the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) hadiths

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Knowledge Organizations Editing Department, Islamic Information and Documents Management Research Institute, Islamic Science and Culture Research Institute


"Affront and takfir" is a Quranic teaching that Muslim thinkers have disagreed about its truth. From these differences, three major theories were born, the owners of which all document their understanding in the Qur'an: the theory of "general convergence" (Mu'tazila theory); The theory of "the total negation of interaction" (or: the theory of Mowafat, the theory of the advanced theologians of Imamia); The theory of "partial frustration" (the theory of some contemporary theologians, hadith scholars and commentators). Various studies have been conducted to prove or disprove each of these theories, but what has received less attention among them is the evaluation of the mentioned theories with the criteria of the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them). The main question of the present research is whether the Hadith heritage of Imamiyyah can help us in understanding and discovering the correct saying in this matter. The result of an extensive search in hadith sources is that the hadiths of rejection and rejection are divided into three categories: hadiths of confirmation or martyrdom; Explanatory hadiths and comparative hadiths. From none of these three categories, it is possible to find an article about the truth of frustration and excommunication and confirmation or rejection of the existing theories, but - with the explanation given in the text of the article - it can be concluded that the third theory (partial frustration ), it is more associated with the obligatory meaning of hadiths of abbot and takfir.


Main Subjects


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