A linguistic study of the Quranic phrase ﴿سَرَاحًا جَمِیلًا﴾

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Quranic and Hadith sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University

2 Master's student of the educational department of Qur'anic and Hadith sciences, Khwarazmi University, Karaj, Iran.


Examining the Qur'anic words made from the root «S-R-H» shows that six cases are used in the context of divorce, and one case is related to releasing the livestock and driving them forth to pasture.The usage of the mentioned root in pre-Islamic poems and other Semitic languages is similar. The cognate of this root in Jewish-Christian holy texts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac languages, such as the text of the Qur'an, in a parallel way, indicates two meanings; The first meaning is concrete and the second one is abstract.The findings of the present research show that the aforementioned method of application is based on a fundamental conceptual metaphor, in which the emphasis is on freeing a woman from her husband's house quickly and easily. This concept indicates the prevention of harassment of women at the time of divorce and can be confirmed by various Quranic verses. Consequently, the Holy Qur'an, by ﴿ سَرَاحًا جَمِیلًا ﴾ presents a different perspective on the issue of divorce, in which the dominant discourse is prevention of harassment of women at the time of divorce. This concept can be confirmed by various Quranic verses.The findings of the present research show that the aforementioned method of application is based on the fundamental conceptual metaphor »woman is like livestock«, in which the emphasis is on freeing a woman from her husband's house quickly and easily. This concept indicates the prevention of harassment of women at the time of divorce and can be confirmed by various Quranic verses.


Main Subjects

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