The role of concentration in ignoring the original meaning of words Abazar Kafi Mousavi

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.


Commentators and translators of the Quran have always sought to discover God's meaning from the use of Quranic words. In order to achieve this purpose, they have defined the verbal and non-verbal principles and rules and explained the conditions and the place of its use in detail. Paying attention to the concept of mental concentration is one of these rules that has not been properly addressed in the discussions of Quranic sciences and its position and conditions have not been well explained. Emphasis is very widely used in the interpretation and understanding of Qur'anic verses; But sometimes, it is an obstacle to the correct understanding of the words of the Qur'an, and in some cases, it has caused an incorrect or incomplete understanding of the meaning of the verse. In this article, in a critical-analytical way, it seeks to find the answer to this question, what is the result of not paying attention to the place and slippages of mental concentration in understanding the correct meaning of some Quranic words? For this purpose, by reflecting and analyzing a number of Qur'anic words, the effect of mental concentration was criticized, and it was concluded that the concentration meaning of some derivatives (Jamal, Zanim, Zoj and Asr) is incompatible with the context of the Surah and it is necessary to The unpopular initial should be preferred over the concentrated meaning.


Main Subjects

  1. -  The Holy Qur'an.

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